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Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Teknik Menjawab Soalan - Effect of Light Colours on Photosynthesis Rate

1. Let's go straight to essay question (Jom kita terus tengok soalan esei):

Based on diagram above, photosynthesis pigments absorb ROB light the most and green-yellow the least. Describe the effect of the lights to the photosynthesis process (6m)

Berdasarkan diagram di atas, pigmen fotosintesis menyerap cahaya merah, jingga, dan biru paling banyak manakala hijau-kuning paling sedikit. Huraikan kesan cahaya-cahaya ini terhadap proses fotosintesis (6m)

2. We should know that ROB lights are the best to excite electrons during photolysis. The energy from excited electron is used to generate ATP, which is later used to produce glucose.

(Kita perlu tahu bahawa cahaya merah, jingga, dan biru adalah yg terbaik utk menguja elektron ketika fotolisis. Tenaga drpd elektron teruja digunakan utk menjana ATP, dimana ianya kemudian digunakan utk menghasilkan glukosa)

Answer outline:

One Love, CH.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Notes Xtra - Nuclei of Paramecium sp.

1. Let's go to the features & functions of the nuclei:

i. Macronucleus - polyploid - to regulate cell activities

(Makronukleus - bersifat poliploid - utk mengawal aktiviti sel)

ii. Micronucleus - diploid - for reproduction

(Mikronukleus - bersifat diploid - berfungsi dlm pembiakan)

2. Question example:

Predict the condition if the nuclei were absent in Paramecium sp. (Ramalkan keadaan jika nukleus-nukleus tersebut tidak hadir dalam Paramecium sp.)

Answer outline:

Analisis SPM Cikgu Heery:

This question was never asked in SPM, but the labels are prominently shown in reference books. So, you need to know their basic features & functions only.

Soalan ini tidak pernah ditanya dlm SPM, tetapi label makronukleus & mikronukleus sering diketengahkan dlm buku rujukan. Maka, anda perlu tahu ciri & fungsinya secara ringkas shj.

One Love, CH

My First Post

To all visitors,

1. This blog is designed as supplementary to Cikgu Heery books. The notes which I posted here are all highly graphic and very useful for Malaysian students & teachers in excelling the Biology KSSM and SPM exams. 

2. Blogspot is chosen instead of social media due to its Zen-like simplicity. Albeit not as popular as Insta or FB, this blog provides the peace of mind quality which is prominently absent in those social medias.

3. Please visit this blog regularly as it is constantly updated with new post every week. I hope I can contribute more in improving your studying/ teaching the Biology KSSM subject. All the best!

One Love, CHeery.